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Compassion first.
The Abonnema Foundation drives several programs and campaigns to improve the lives of the Abonnema people. If you would like to support our advocacy, there are various ways for you to do so.
You can take action by participating in any of our causes:
Go Fund a Child Initiative (GFACI)

An Education Empowerment Initiative of Abonnema Foundation USA
The average salary for the Akukutoru Local Government Area (AKULGA) secretariat employee is 70,000 Naira per month if paid at all or on time. The cost of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) sitting fee is approximately #40,000.00.
Over time, it has become a financial struggle for many families in Abonnema to afford WAEC fees for their children. Many children have resorted to taking up menial jobs after school to help raise money and assist their parents to pay for their WAEC fees.
So, instead of preparing for their exams, they are burdened with how to get the fees to sit for the exams and over the years, these hardships have contributed to a steady decline in academic excellence in Abonnema in particular and the entire Kalabari in general. Education has been the strength and pride for decades of the Kalabari people but today, we are at risk of losing our young ones, our future, to insurgency and militancy. As we hope to bring the National Open University to Abonnema (NOUN), we have to help prepare our children to graduate from secondary schools so they can attend the NOUN when it becomes available.
To this end, the Go Fund a Child Initiative was born. GFACI for short, it is a simple but effective way to touch the lives of Secondary Students in and of Abonnema decent preparing to write their final West African Examinations Council (WAEC) exams.
This initiative is simple, it is geared toward providing financial assistance and alleviate the financial burdens of the WAEC fees on parents/students whose children have met certain academic threshold of excellence and positioned to excel in their WAEC exams.
Since WAEC exams are written at a certain period during the year (May/June), it therefore becomes imperative financial support and is provided in due time for students to register and positioned to sit for their exams. So, we urge you to donate and support generously and on time. We will provide feedback on student’s success rates and students funded each academic period.
With your steadfast support, GFACI is a program that will touch the lives of Abonnema sons and daughters academically and I promise you, it will put a smile on the faces of our children when they find out their WAEC fees have been paid and all they need do is sit and excel in their exams, all thanks to you and Abonnema Foundation U.S.A.
You can be part of this transformational initiative by taking the first step to committing to a child. Join us today by signing up and together, we will help reclaim Abonnema’s lost glory.
Mina-pu Omiete.
Fosbury Oruwari
Public Relations Officer (PRO)
On-Behalf of Abonnema Foundation Inc.
Support of Educational Institutions

Donation Goal For This Project is
Abonnema Foundation has been responsible for the construction and maintenance of computer resource centers and libraries, funding and supplying of books and equipment to local schools, scholarship programs for disadvantaged students, youth enlightenment and orientation to eliminate restiveness and technical skills development.